[gamescom]多脚兵器が活躍する第一次世界大戦が続く架空の歴史を描くRTS「Iron Harvest」の発売日が2020年9月1日に決定
本作はボードゲーム「Scythe」を原作とするRTSで,Jakub Różalski氏が創作した「World of 1920+」という,第一次世界大戦が終結せず,泥沼の戦争を繰り広げている世界観がベースとなっている。ディーゼル機関が発達しており“ディーゼルパンク”とも呼ばれる。
発売日となった2020年9月1日を欧米風に書くと「1 9 20」となる。ベースとなった「1920+」を意識した発売日となっている。
「Iron Harvest」公式サイト
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Iron Harvest
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Iron Harvest
- 関連タイトル:
Iron Harvest
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- PC:Iron Harvest
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- KING Art Games
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- 戦争物
- PS4:Iron Harvest
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- Xbox One:Iron Harvest
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- 編集部:S.K.Y
- gamescom 2019

Co-published 2020 in Japan by Exnoa LLC and Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. (C)2020 Co-published and developed by KING Art Games. Iron Harvest(R) and the Iron Harvest(R) logo and KING Art Games are trademarks of KING Art GmbH. KING Art and their respective logo are trademarks of KING Art GmbH. World of 1920+ is a Trademark of Jakub Rózalski. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
(C)2017 KING Art GmbH. "World Of 1920+" by Jakub Rozalski.
Co-published 2020 in Japan by Exnoa LLC and Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. (C)2020 Co-published and developed by KING Art Games. Iron Harvest(R) and the Iron Harvest(R) logo and KING Art Games are trademarks of KING Art GmbH. KING Art and their respective logo are trademarks of KING Art GmbH. World of 1920+ is a Trademark of Jakub Rózalski. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.